Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What can I do to stop losing my hair ?

I just go to MN and since that time , I've dropped alot of hair . Each time I wash my hair , dry or brush my hair , they drop alot , like whole bunch of hair . I am using Red Ken now but it seem to not work . Lasttime when I lost my hair , I used this product and it worked . But I don't know what happens this time . I don't want to be blad . Do gys have any suggestions like what should I eat , what shampoo should I use or what should I do ?.............Thank UWhat can I do to stop losing my hair ?
If you are losing so much hair so fast you need to see a doctor. If it just seems that way and you are having issues..... your hair does not define who you are. So yo are bald or have short hair? Big deal. Better than comb over dudes or guys who have a little fuzz on top trying to maintain their hair. Trust me women will appreciate clean cut no matter what and it is so much more masculine than holding on to nothing. Plus it is so much easier in the morning!What can I do to stop losing my hair ?
Well first of all, weather plays a major role in your hair. The climate change affects hair just like it affects your skin. If it's cold outside, then your body gets dry and chaps, likewise with hair. What you can do is seek a well known stylist in your area and ask for their advice. But if you're going outside it would be best to always wear something on your head to protect it from the cold air and always keep it moisturized. Never allow your hair to be dry cause your hair needs moisture in order to be healthy.
you can start by using a good conditioner,oil your hair,you can do this at home or go to the hair dresser for an oil treatment.

Eat 7 almonds everyday chew them well.

use olive oil for cooking your food and to apply to your hair too,you can mix it with coconut oil.
First of all contact your doctor and ask him for some suggestion. But in my salon I sell alot of Nioxin. Great product.
Put limon in your hair
eat healthy protein diet,use a vaitelizing shampoo and use curd wid a tea spoon of lime juice apply it to ur hairs .leav it for atleast for 15 mins and then rinse
get enough oils(pb,fish, hemp oil) in your diet. evaluate any meds/supplements you are taking. worry less, stress causes hair loss.
Try taking a Muti-Vitamin. Especially a B-COMPLEX vitamin. That will help with hair loss.
Try the Nioxin system, it is the best stuff. You could also try rogaine but the Nioxin system is natural and really makes a big diff. for me.
Change ur shampoos.... ur suppose to keep changing ur shampoos like every three months.... my hair used to be the same way... but u r suppose to lose 170 hairs a day or somewhere around that number.
You need to go to the doctor and find out why you are losing so much hair. I had the same problem. I got tested it was my thyroid, I now take medicine for it and my hair grows like crazy. Good luck.
What my husband did but it didn`t work very well but it worked is he put lemon on it for three days and he got some hair. Sorry if that didn`t help. And I heard that Johnson and Johnson lotion works to but I have not tried it. Well he rinsed it off every day for three days.

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