Thursday, February 2, 2012

Afraid I'm losing my hair?

I'm a 20 year old female. I feel that my hairline has changed and I am losing my hair, but I don't notice an abnormal amount of shedding, but I'm not sure. I went to the doctor, but she just told me to use a different type of shampoo (not really helpful).

A) is there any way I can definitively tell if I'm losing hair. It's frustrating bc my hair is hair is thick, so people automatically don't believe me when I voice my concerns.

B) Is there anything I can do to prevent hair loss if it is happening?Afraid I'm losing my hair?
A) take a pic in the mirror. view pic 1 month, 2 month, 3 month down the road

B) as a doctorAfraid I'm losing my hair?
im not sure if you wear your hair pinned back or in a tight ponytail quite regularly it will pull at your hair and bring your hairline back a little due to stress of pulling your hair literally out of your head from pulling it so hard. you could try a different hair style which will allow you to wear your hair down almost 100% of the time. lay off the coloring for a while too.

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