Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Help, I'm losing my hair in big blotches!?

It's been going on for several weeks now. I posted a question here about dandruff, because I had such a snowstorm falling every time I touched my scalp, but didn't realize I was also losing hair. Somebody suggested using a clarifying shampoo %26amp; conditioner, which I did. It didn't seem to improve much, so I tried Head %26amp; Shoulders (Classic Clean). Never used H%26amp;S before so I shampooed %26amp; rinsed 2 times each time I washed my hair. Big mistake...less is more! My scalp only got worse!

Yeah, hindsight is 20/20, because when I think back a few weeks, I recall having a pinkish color around the hairline, but thought it was due to a change in makeup -- foundation %26amp; blush. I'm no longer using the mineral makeup but still have severe flaking %26amp; itching of the scalp. I am due to see my primary care physician in about 1 week but wonder if I should do something sooner. Can somebody help, please?Help, I'm losing my hair in big blotches!?
sounds like a sensitive scalp...avoid head and shoulders like the plauge!!! paint stripper basically lol.

try using tea tree based shampoo's as this is renowned for soothing scalps, itchyness, greasy hair as it is anti fungal etc.

losing hair - can be a sign of stress/depression, but also due to bad diet or medication.Help, I'm losing my hair in big blotches!?
I would, it could be an allergy, or it could be some kind of fungus and there are things you can do for this. Also when you loose your hair like that it can be a sign of a medical problem, don't panic but don't wait either. Good luck.
if you had bad dandruff combined with hair loss, then it is likely a medical condition. I wouldn't use anything but a gentle shampoo and conditioner. And I'd stop using any styling products in case you are having an allergic reaction.

glad to hear you already have a doctor's appointment. you really shouldn't take any treatment advice here until you know what is going on from your could make it worse.
Possibilities: allergy, auto-aggression or a deficit of necessary rare elements like selenium, zinc, germanium, ...

If auto-aggression, is has to do with your thyroid gland. The doctor should determine the TSH in blood.

this is the only thing hair related I know.

My daughter goes to this natural health site for a product and found a hairgrowth one listed- of course she had to try it- she had very short ahir and so we could see the difference in a couple of weeks- they said an oil used by geishas -

well she used it on her eyelashes too- like they said, and they are longer now!

if yours is short, you probably can try the sample like she did, to see if it works-

THey also say hair will become stronger- maybe it can work for you? The longer part is definitely true

of course this can only be thought of after your allergies are being taken care of!

its at

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