Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm losing my hair. Help?

-Hey I'm an 18 year old, and African American.

-I'm losing my hair in the i guess corners of my forehead. Baldness does run on my mom's side, I just didn't think it would be this soon.

-Is there anything that I can buy to help regrow my hair or at least stop it from going away?

-Is their any product that anyone here could swear by??

-I'm not really looking for any prescription grade stuff.I'm losing my hair. Help?
You could try an herbal treatment like Provillus for instance - it can be quite effective and its all natural.

Otherwise look into rogaine perhaps.I'm losing my hair. Help?
It sounds like you are wearing a baseball type hat too tightly. If you are wearing anything around your head, make sure you keep it loose! Poor circulation is a major cause of balding and bald spots!!!
Get a medicine which grows hair or by da tym you get older, no hair.

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