Thursday, February 2, 2012

Losing my hair! age 14?

Ive been losing hair for 2 years now. When i was little i used to put my hair back a lot and add alot of gel. Theyd tell me a bullet couldn't break my head. I had that hair style for 6 years and then i stopped. my head is super sensitive now and now i have my hair to the side. Do you think that maybe that putting my hair back caused thia and will putting my hair top the side (without gel) still make this happen. i blow dry my hair now (kinda weird thing for guys) and take 7 minutes to finish drying and combing. and is there a hair surgey for teens?Losing my hair! age 14?
o dayum that sux.

I have no idea what you can do..

answer mine?


pics inclouded%26lt;3Losing my hair! age 14?
Oh wow ...
hey :]

take this 3 times a day.. you'll see a difference in about 3 wks %26lt;3 good luck;navAction=jump%26amp;navCount=0%26amp;nug=VPD%26amp;skuid=sku394672%26amp;id=prod394671
I think that you are putting too much stress on your hair. You're hair is it's healthiest when it is in it's normal state. ( Washed and air dried).

But, I understand the desire to improve the way your hair looks! And regular styling wont dammage your hair. I can't say exactally why your hair is falling out: expecially at 14.

I guess it depends on the condition you think your hair is in. Like, if you have soft shiny hair w/o applying any mouse or gel. You're probably doing a good job of keeping your hair healthy if you do.

Another thing you HAVE to consider is that using too much product puts stress on your hair. That can make it brittle and unhealthy and very coarse feeling.

Check one of your strands that have fallen out. If you have split ends, they make shampoo for that. If it's really coarse, you're using too much hair product. exct. exct.

Lastly, ask a professional! Next time you get your hair cut, mention your problem to the styliest. You're right there, why not ask.

they're professionals for a reason! :)
wow that sucks. But i would get a wig or somthing if i were you.
Doesn't matter if your a teen or not, you can get hair replacement. A scalp is a scalp.
Just dnt do anything but brush it. NOTHING BUT. then it should stop.
My brother started losing his hair because he kept a cap on it all the time. You need to go to a doctor they might can help you restore your hair or at least keep more from falling out. If you aren't getting enough nutrition or a certain vitamin you could also be losing your hair. Omega three and flax seed can help you hair and also eating daily vitamins.
Actually, I know quite a few young guys around your age who have been losing hair since about age 10. Often times it has to do with heredity (usually your mothers dad). And i'm not a specialist but depending on the type of gel you use/used it can cause scalpel problem (such as hair loss). You may want to consult with a specialist about this issue, It's hard to tell whats really going on by just words on the internet. I know of places that do hair transplants once you hit 18 but im not sure about what they can do if you're under that age...
Pulling your hair tight will thin your hair out, but if you let it loose after a while it will grow back. Since your a guy I wouldn't be too worried cuz you could always shave your head.
Are you consuming an appropriate amount of food? Like proteins? You could have damaged your hair with the products, yes..but there are plenty of other reasons for your hair loss.
if you have your parents permission you might be allowed to get hair replacement surgery but if you want to try a product, maybe get your mom to go to a beauty salon and get Nioxon...i work at a beauty salon and we recommend it to anyone who has thinning hair and they love. They make everything from shampoo to vitamins to promote natural hair regrowth.

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