Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Is having my baby the cause of losing my hair?

I've always had medium to long hair. But about 3 months after I had my baby my hair started coming out a lot. I thought it was just because it got so long (the longest I've ever had it) and heavy. So I cut it above my shoulders. Still have the same problem. My mom said she lost hair after she had us kids. Does this happen to every one? When will it stop? Is having a baby the cause of my hair loss?Is having my baby the cause of losing my hair?
It happened to me too! My hair was thick before now it's just normal thickness. I think it happens to a lot of women. It has to do with your postpartum hormones. It tends to get better sometime around 6 months I hear. Here is a good link on it:


I'm almost 7 months postpartum now.. and it started to improve at about 6.5 months for me. I think I started losing it around 3 months.

EDIT: I don't know if you are or not.. but taking your prenatals postpartum does help with this.. as it can be linked to anemia as well.Is having my baby the cause of losing my hair?
When you're pregnant, your body sheds less. You lose less hair, because your body retains it. After pregnancy, the retained hair falls out - sometimes immediately, sometimes after a few months when hormone levels have stabilized. So, although you may think you're going to go bald, don't worry...the hair that's falling out is hair you would have normally lost at an earlier date if you hadn't been pregnant. You may have noticed how thick and healthy your hair felt during pregnancy...because less of your hair was falling out during that time.

The same thing happenend to me, at around the same time. It was really alarming...I would blow dry in the morning and be left holding a clump of my own hair. It lasted for about 4 weeks, and then stopped altogether. I was so glad when it was over. My hair isn't any thicker or thinner now than it was before I had my daughter.

Best of luck!
Yes blame it on the hormones. when you have a baby inside of you, your hair is on a constant growth spurt. Then when the extra hormones are gone, the hair makes up for it by shedding the hair extra fast. It stinks I am still loosing hair and he is 9 months old. This is normal. I have had 4 kids, and it does get better.
It's been almost a year and I'm still loosing some hair. I've got spots in my temples where I have stubble and then some spots where I have 6 inches of hair. My pre-baby hair (that stuff that stayed!) is nearly to my bra strap. ARGH! My hair will be normal by the time I want my second one. Moms never win.
i lost alot of hair after my daughter, i dont know exactly why it happens but i have heard its pretty common, most people i know said they had the same thing happen. im sure it has to do with your hormones adjusting after pregnancy.
Yes, my hair started falling out alot around 3 months post partum as well. I believe it is because while you are pregnant, hardly any hair falls out.
Yes. It is called Postpartum Alopecia.
be happy because my hair got think and never returned to normal

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