Try making sure you have a really healthy trans fats, no msg, no refined sugars. You may have a mineral, vitamin or hormone deficienty. See a naturopath or preventative medicine doctor to have a full panel blood test done for hormones, and everything else. Also check your body's PH level.
You also may want to look into detoxifying your body especially getting rid of Candida. If you've taken many medications or antibiotics you probably have an overgrowth of that. A colonic will help with the detox too.I am female 38 and losing my hair. my mother has almost no hair on her scalp at 58. any suggestions please??
Loss of hair can occur for many reasons. Dietary problems, genetic problems, stress.
For dietary you need to study your diet and see what is missing.
For genetic there is not much you can do. There is a medicine out now that is suppose to help called Rogaine I believe but I do not know much about this. I am female when I was young I had alot of stress and began loosing alot of hair. So I began exercising to relax myself and doing scalp massages on my scalp to loosen up the tight skin and muscles to increase blood flow so that my hair and scalp would be nourished. Stress decreases blood flow to outer capillaries thus causing aging to happen to outer skin and hair as it begins to die from lack of water and nutrition. You need protein in your diet to grow hair. Try adding drinking soya milk to your diet and tofu if you do not eat meat. I find soya to be very helpful. A good vitamin every morning with your breakfast, meditation, it should help. Also possibly you need to see a doctor or dermatologist about this. A good cut will help minimize the look if it is cut right and bluntly to help decrease the noticeable thinning. I would not suggest all one length long hair at all for this problem. Study all you can about this as what works for one person may not work for another. And wigs are made so well today that one cannot usually tell it is a wig. I was very worried at one time as they found a tumor about cancer treatment related hair loss and a very nice young woman made me laugh and cry when I talked to her by saying go get the surgery my mother did she felt worlds better, go to the local Asian shops they have great wigs there, some women look really good bald so much they shave their heads, and some women get tattoos on their heads that look great. I got the surgery it was benign and I feel much better.
They're making some lovely wigs these days. Try the Racquel Welch wigs.
start going shopping for a wig
Try the shampoo series called Nioxin. This is a whole series of cleanser, therapy and scalp treatment that helps with hair loss.
I noticed some extra hair loss myself and this has helped me greatly.
Also, have you had your thyroid checked recently? Sometimes hair loss can be a sign that your thyroid is not functioning properly.
Anyway, try the shampoo treatment; it has helped me. Best wishes to you!
Try Rogaine for women.
Some people even say iodine works.. I don't know about that one.
You have to eat more healthily and probably eat more home cooked, made from scratch, nutrient filled food. I am assuming you eat fast food/ unhealthy food often?..
It could also be stress related.
Good luck hon.
I know this sounds weird, but when this started happening to me, my doctor told me to start taking Pre-natal vitamins. It worked. However this may be hereditary, check with your doctor.
You can but prenatals over the counter. GOOD LUCK!
MY SISTER IS THE SAME WAY SHE WENT TO A DERMATOLOGIST and it is a disease I recommend you seeing one
unfortunately, it sounds like you may have your mother's gene for early hair loss, called alopecia. i know alot of women who started getting thinning hair early in their lives and they went out and bought a wig and now they wear wigs every day because they are self conscious. it is a good option for you since things like rogaine usually dont work that well for hair growth.
a good WIG
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