Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm losing my hair.. help?! Please!?

Does anyone know if there is anything out there that actually works to stop hair loss..

Due to the birth control I was taking I know am losing A LOT of my hair.. More than normal. I was told by the pharmacist to take prenatal pills to help but I am still losing hair. Does or has anyone experienced this that can help me? When will my hair grow back or will it? If anyone can help, its really hard for me, sucks seeing how much hair I am losing. Thanks, really appreciate it!!I'm losing my hair.. help?! Please!?
Is it a noticeable amount (like can you tell on your actual head that you're losing hair)? If not, I honestly wouldn't worry about it much. After I had my son, I lost a hairbrush each day. It took about two months to get back to normal, but it never actually affected the way my hair looked or felt.

Just remember that on average, we lose about 100 hairs a day. Maybe now that you notice you were losing some you're noticing every strand your losing.

Keep taking your prenatals...those help the keratin in your hair and nails to be stronger.

Try using a comb instead of a brush, and only brushing when your hair is dry. Combs don't pull out as much hair as a brush.

Don't worry: your hair will grow back. It's very normal when hormones are all crazy to lose some extra hairs!I'm losing my hair.. help?! Please!?
Ya, I've heard that birth control pills will cause your hair to fall out it could also be stress, but if you think you're starting to lose your hair you may want to start doing something about it right now. I had the same problem and started using Rogaine for women and I haven't noticed any hair falling out since. The only downside to using it is that you need to use it on a regular basis.

Sometimes you can find free samples to get you started. I don't know if there are anymore left here but you can always try…

I hope that helps :)
Nioxin Shampoo and Conditioner can really help. You can usually find it at a beauty supply store, but you might need to look for it online. It's a little expensive, but it works. You might want to look online and see if they offer any free samples. But the most common reason for hair loss is stress. When I'm under a lot of stress I always notice that my hair starts falling out. So the best cure for hair loss might even be some type of relaxation or yoga before you start your day. It helps, A LOT! Good Luck!
See if you can get a different birth control. I was on a progesterone only BC, and it made my hair fall out. Don't worry, your hair will grow back. to help it grow back strong and healthy, take a prenatal vitamin or go to your local vitamin store and ask if they have any hair health supplements. They're usually pretty knowledgeable about stuff like that. I feel your pain, trust me.
aww thats soo sad i have a friend who has the same problem but she's just lost most of it and there are only clumps left .. maybe try ashley and martin hair loss ? hope this helped and i hope that you get much better ! :)
I have found some good tips in following link, It may be good for you too…
stop taking that birth control, switch to another. that doesnt sound good. i hope your problem gets better on its own, good luck!

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