Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Im a girl and im losing my hair!!!!?

im 14 and my hair is becoming thinner and thinner. im really scared because some spots have become to thin that u can really see my scalp alot

im really worried

i use to use herbal essences hello hydration my hair began to gte thinner

i use to use body envy and that was okay..

a lot of people i know have said that herbal essences have made their hair fall out too..

could it be my shampoo or teh way i eat? what can i do to make my hair come back fast?

also i had dandruff and have had a shampoo prescribed buh my hair began falling out before..

please help me!Im a girl and im losing my hair!!!!?
Herbal Essences is TERRIBLE for your hair!

Try taking some vitamin E supplements. Vitamin E does wonders for your hair. Im a girl and im losing my hair!!!!?
uhm well im not sure. i use herbal essence and it helps my hair . maybe you need to eat more. get those nuitritions in you ! or you can massage your scalp (: they say it helps hair grow . do you straighten your hair ? becuhs that thins your hair too . if you do, try using a ceramic straightener. it thins less (:

hope i helped(:

answer mine ?;
eat more, eat better!

i use herbal essences and it works fine with my hair.
USE A DIFFERENT SHAMPOO!!!! and go to ur hair dresser... see what they reccommend

good luck =]
sunlight damages hair, so if you've been in the sun for a long time that could be the problem. Also, products--any unnatural products can also ruin hair. But since your loosing it drastically i'd say you might not have enough vitamins in your diet. Especially iron--that makes you loose your hair a lot. Stop using products and see if you see a difference. If you don't, head to your doctor and get a blood test. That will show what you need in your system. Start eatting better, foods rich with iron and vitamn B12.

edit-first persons right, herbal essance it pretty terrible. I used to use it all the time, but it just dried out my hair. Although, it never made my hair fall out so i'm guessing that it's not doing it to you either.
Hey hun, have you stopped eating very much? When I was younger I had really thick hair. I started to eat way too little and lost a lot of my hair. Another idea is, do you brush your hair when it's wet or color/perm your hair? I hope everything works out for you!
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