Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Please help me I'm losing my hair and I'm only a 15 year old boy!?!? =(?

I dyed my hair black about three times and then I didn't like it any more so I grew it out. ever since then my hair line has gone back and I'm still losing more hair. I just hate this there's so many things against me that could be causing this, like my diet sucks, I also used to skip breakfast, I used to dry my hair until it was almost completely dry when I got out of the shower so that way I didn't have to wait to hair product in, and I'm so stressed out and upset about so many different things. I've asked my hair dresser they say might just be my hair line but I know it's not because it never used to be that way. I've also looked at some shampoo and conditioner that is meant to stop hair loss but the problem is they say I'm too young to use it so it will only do more damage. I'm using an organic shampoo and conditioner from the health food shop, it has both the shampoo and conditioner mixed so they said I don't need conditioner. I'm trying to ignore everything I'm stress out about. I don't know whether to brush my hair or not, I've been washing my hair everyday with that organic shampoo stuff but too make it all worse my dad said he started losing his hair when he dyed it blonde when he was younger. will my hair grow back? what can I do to help it. and how can I stop stressing? Please Help!!!! =( Please help me I'm losing my hair and I'm only a 15 year old boy!?!? =(?
Hey, kid-with-unpronounceable-handle:

(1) Were you using drugstore dye or having a salon do it? (ie as opposed to pulling chemicals out from under the kitchen sink and playing sir mixalot with them.) If so, it wasn't the dye. There simply is no dye on the market that causes hair to fall out after three washes. No such product could survive in the marketplace longer than a minute and a half, because people would figure out what was going on and go berserk.

I think your hairline was beginning to recede and you noticed it at this point because you were growing the black out so you started paying a lot of attention to the roots and hairline. Ditto for your father. Also, 15-17 is the time when a lot of boys dye their hair for the first time and, unfortunately, it's also the time when some boys start losing their hair.

(2) A good diet is important. If you're not getting enough protein, that can make your hair fall out. I think ';enough protein'; means in the 50-100 grams per day region; not sure where you'd fall in that bracket. You could look at what you eat over the course of the day and see if you're protein-deficient. Very, very few Americans are, unless they're vegetarians. But start eating a little healthier. It'll help you on many fronts, including the stress.

(3) Drying your hair completely can make the hair strands break more easily, but it won't make your hair fall out. And you don't have to worry about breakage unless your hair is shoulder-length or longer. (Hair grows fast enough that short-haired people don't have to worry about breakage.) Ditto for organic shampoos etc. It doesn't matter which one you use or how often you shampoo it and brush it etc.

MINOR POINT: it is true that brushing etc. might make hair fall out faster. BUT THIS IS ONLY for hair that's on its way out anyhow. Ex: I had a friend who was undergoing cancer treatment. She didn't wash or brush her hair much because that was accelerating hair loss and she was thinking the treatment might end soon. But if you're in a normal situation, there's no point in stopping this. If the hair's on its way out, then its on its way out.

(4) Unfortunately, hair dressers are salespeople. They'll never tell you what you don't want to hear. You can get reassurance from the guy/gal who cuts your hair, but not the truth.

(5) I've never investigated hair-growth shampoos, but I personally would worry about the chemicals in them. If they say you're too young, BELIEVE THEM!

(6) Stress can make your hair fall out. It's also a lifelong problem in our society, so start working now on strategies to deal with it. Exercise. Healthy food. Healthy amounts of sleep. Maybe meditation, yoga, positive thinking tapes, etc. Talk to a friend. Maybe journal.

(7) Bottom line? This could be a temporary thing caused by diet or stress, in which case it will fix itself in time. It could also be early, genetically-determined hair loss. Guys inherit male pattern baldness from their mom's side of the family. Do you have uncles on your mom's side? If so, ask them about their hair situation. (Or have your mom do it.)

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but you sound like a tough and sensible person. Kind of grown up, in fact, so here it is: there's all kinds of stuff in life that you can't do anything about. Balding, being shorter than you want to be, or taller than you want to be. Missing limbs due to birth defects. Having stretch marks from big growth spurts at a young age. Nearsightedness. (Well, now actually you can do something about that ...)

Best thing to do is to see this as an opporunity. If you get used to the idea of overcoming obstacles and making your peace with things you can't change at the gloriously young age of 15, you will be way far ahead of almost all the other teenagers out there.

I guarantee you that you can be totally, blissfully, maximally happy even if you go completely bald in the next twelve months. Really. You can!

Here are two quotes I love:

';Every obstacle is just an opportunity to relax.';

';Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb you.';

Good luck.

Please help me I'm losing my hair and I'm only a 15 year old boy!?!? =(?
Cancer doesnt cause hair loss, the chemotherapy because of the cancer that you dont have does cause hair loss. so unless you have been unknowingly recieving chemotherapy treatments, you probably just have terrible genetics and will never have a full head of hair again.

The treatment for cancer (chemotherapy) is what causes hair loss.

You may have alopecia:

My grandfather has it and lost all of his hair when he was 10. It's not harmfull at all it just causes your hair to fall out.
stop losing your hair, NOW!!!!!!!!!! P.s. if u die your hair don't use nice n easy it makes your hair fall out.

maybe cancer?

or maybe just your genes, some ppls hair falls out easy you can get shampoo for it i think.

See a doctor.

That was pretty long, I didn't read it.

I'm not trying to scare you.

Ir it's probably 'cause you've dyed your hair, alot.

Lots of teenagers have bad hair loss. I've been losing my hair since I was 13, and my hairline is receding too. I'm 20 now, and things are still okay. My first guess is family genes. My family, both men and women, have a history of early receding hairlines. Ask your parents about it. Second guess is the dye you used. Some are really bad for the hair and kill it at the roots. So maybe it's just the roots finally killing off the rest of the piece of hair. Third, it could just be your hair. Things change as you get older, and it keeps going that way all your life. It's not always just a teenage thing, although that's usually the main consideration. Personally, I hate two-in-one shampoo/conditioners, but that's just me. I can't use them because they damage my hair. The organic thing may be making it worse, depending on what their definition of 'organic' means. Some stuff may be good for the body, but not for the skin, hair, etc. Also, washing your hair everyday is actually bad for it. I know it sounds kinda weird, but every other day is the best according to my grandmother who is a nurse for several years now. Constant washing ruins the oil makers in the follicles, and those are necessary. Maybe the stress is making it worse too; it's been known to happen. If your dad started losing his hair when he dyed it, then it's a huge possibility that that's the problem. Hope you find some help soon. Good luck. ~ace~
I don't think you're losing your hair because you dyed it. You're probably going to have a hairline very similar to your dads. His hair loss could have been inevitable rather than from the dye as well. You might try getting some good multi vitamins.Be sure that they have a high potency of the B vitamins. That would help. Eat a better diet. Include lots of protein. I've always told my husband to stop wearing ball caps, it may restrict the circulation. Every guy I ever knew that wore a cap was balding. So that's just something to consider as well. And try not to stress. That really will make your hair fall out faster.

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