Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm losing my hair,?

my periods are more frequent, cannot see a female gp(without a student being in the room(I know students need to learn but im really shy) .next well womens clinic is in juneI'm losing my hair,?
the doctor must have your permission to have a student present.if youre not comfortable with this im sure your doctor would understand.your symptoms could be signs of polycystic ovary syndrome, which is really common among women nowadays.simple tests would identify this.I'm losing my hair,?
i think you are sufferrring from stress, dont, put your hair up or brush it much as it pulls it, eat lots of fruit and vegetable and see a counsellor about your problems adn read your bible trust in God. Get enough sleep drink enough water
First thing is first, write down any and all symptoms you have. Write things down as you Think of them and bring it with you when you do see a doctor. Sometimes we forget things when doctors ask a ton of questions all at once, this way you can be more prepared. People lose their hair for a reason. And it is up to you to keep pushing to find out the reason. I, myself lost 3/4 of my hair, due to a severe anaemia which was never diagnosed by my family doctor. If you are feeling like you have a lack of energy, have a doctor write you a slip to have your ferritin levels checked, it could be that you are anaemic, however it could be something entirely different. Your Health is yours, and health is everything. Take Good Care of yourself, I hope this is resolved for you soon. :o)
your gp should ask you if you mind the student being there it is your right to say no good luck dont sit on this worry any longer make an appointment
you have every right to refuse to have a student in the room
Omfg.. Don't worry about it! Them people look @ vaginas all the time if they can they'll eat while doing the procedure.. My nephew is a ob/gyn and he says it aint nothing unless the puss aint when I was 13, I had 5 nurses (males and females) and 2 doctors looking all up in my butt and my puss..I was scared if I was gonna let a fast one come out LOLZ!! Thats their job and they enjoy it.. Right after you see them they aint never gonna see you again..Until your next visit (i dont know how it works there) but sometimes they ask you first if you want to allow them in there... They asked me and I said OKAY but I aint know a whole crew came out, looking at my thing and asking questions with my legs all up for like 25minutes and the procedure is done in less than 5 minutes.. lmfao that was a strange experience.. Keep your eyes closed..if you still feel shy..

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