Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm losing my hair !!?

I'm losing my hair a lot. what can i do to grow them back or at least to stop losing them !!I'm losing my hair !!?
There are a few reasons that you may be experiencing hair loss.

The first step is to talk to your doctor and have a blood draw to check if you have an underlying cause, such as a Thyroid or hormone imbalance,nutrient/mineral deficiency, or chronic infection.

Do not just accept the excuse that it is ';just stress';-

If you get this reason, from your M.D. without proper blood test or scalp biopsy, go a step further and see a Dermatologist.

I went to three doctors, an Internist, Kidney Specialist and OB/Gyn, over 6-9 months, being told that my hair would come back, I was just stressed. Finally, I went to a Dermatologist, and found that I has an immunological ';shut down'; from the chronic kidney infections I had been being treated for.

He was able to connect all of the dots-I was treated with steroids and my hair is better than ever!

These are common, but overlooked reasons for hair loss-,2933,1960'm losing my hair !!?
i'm also losing hair, and some people told me that in the autum is normally to lose hair. anyway first of all stop being concerned, or stress cause this is a factor of losing hair ,and second you should use a cosmetic that stops losing hair. i used Vichy's and it worked a litlle
it might be a sign of a disease. id suggest to visit your doctor and find out if there's anything wrong in your body..

if not, maybe you are just having an unhealthy lifestyle.

here are some homemade treatments that should work:

good luck!
hm first you have to find the main problem, because we cannot help you if we don't know the main reason.. it can be food.. allergic.. old or something.. maybe this article can help you out. good luck...
Are you sure you don't have any symptoms of lupus? You should see a dermatologist asap if this is happening alot.
Are you old?
OMG that happend to me aswell for 2 years. it just stoped for some reason :S
You just lost your hair? Brother...

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