Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm scared of losing my hair please help? need helpful advice?

Ok well I have male pattern baldness I think, which means I will lose all my hair eventually. I'm only 21 and I'm really worried, because I am receding alot at the moment, but my hair is styled that it is covered up. I sort of hide behind my hair, because I think if i lost my hair I'd be doomed. at the moment my hair isn't too bad, but when it starts to show i'm going to be really self concious. I have tried the shaven/buzzcut style before and I do look ok with it, but I'm just scared that when the time comes (maybe in a year or 2) I'll have to shave it all off and stick with the buzz look :(

Also i'm starting university this september and I'll most probably have to shave all my hair off when I'm there. This will deal a big blow to my self image lol. What will the girls think!? people will think I look old (even though i have a reasonably youngish face) I don't want to look like a 50 yr old man at the age of 21/22. Please help any advice for me to make me feel better!?I'm scared of losing my hair please help? need helpful advice?

I feel really bad for you because I know how much this issue affects guys. There are loads of things out there to try, hair thickeners and lotions / potions right up to transplants and so on. It's easy for me because I am not going bald but have always wondered what I'd do if I did start to go bald. If I did then I would learn to accept it really quickly, I'd joke about it to my friends and eventually shave the whole thing off and lay the issue to rest. I guess what I'm saying is try to learn to accept this as a natural thing that is part of who you are, make your decision as to what you intend to do about it (for the long term) and just go for it. In my experience being bald doesn't affect men that much in the dating stakes, in fact lots of women love the bald look. If you are going down the 'do anything to stop it' road then remember that it's worse to do the dodgy comb over or wig thing than to just be bald and accept it. I really hope this helps and good luck with whatever decision you make.I'm scared of losing my hair please help? need helpful advice?
i kindov have thew same problem just dont wear a hat and dont be ashamed.

i am getting leimo things off ebay. hoping they will help but yeah, i dunno. and i dunno bout rogaine eitrher.

im 30 tho, but i kn ow what it feels like
You can have hair implant on the NHS.
First off, some bald guys look hot. If you don't want to try it, try over the counter Rogaine.
ur too young to lose hair
You can always get a wig, or extensions or things like that. Tons of people use them, they are just so convincing that you never notice. You generally treat them like normal hair too so eventually you yourself wont think twice about it. Lots of guys have male pattern baldness, theres tons of stuff you can try. I advise talking to your doctor and perhaps a person who works at a salon, both will have some good tips for you. I'm sure they are friends with male pattern baldness as well.

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