Thursday, February 2, 2012

Losing My Hair Because of....Stress? Only Eighteen and in Need of Solutions. Suggestions?

I'm eighteen years old and a woman and I'm losing my hair. I've always had very thin hair, but in the passed couple of months, my hair has been growing thinner and thinner. To remedy this, I've been curling my hair because, when curly, my hair looks thicker.

I think my problem is stress, but I'm not sure. I don't feel sick in any way. I plan on working on my stress (I'm going to begin excising, taking breathers, ect.), but I want to start finding ways to fix my hair now. Are there vitamins that can help me? Could a stylist do anything? Should I get some haircut that will help me hid the thinness?Losing My Hair Because of....Stress? Only Eighteen and in Need of Solutions. Suggestions?
Don't tug on your hair too much- the curlers could be doing that so be careful.

Be sure to get all your vitamins and plenty of lean protein and vitamin C. Massage your scalp with coconut oil (unprocessed) which kills any bacteria that could be causing hair loss and nourishes the scalp. MSM is a sulfer supplement that is good for hair skin and nails- it might help you.

Try meditation and yoga for the stress, as well as chamomile and peppermint tea and avoiding caffeine as much as possible.Losing My Hair Because of....Stress? Only Eighteen and in Need of Solutions. Suggestions?
You may have some type of anxiety disorder. You should talk to a doctor, and yes ask your hairdresser about products to help your hair. I knew a girl with some type of disorder where she lost all her hair. And had to wear a wig.
i was on birth control for 16 years.with thin hair until i had been off of it

for a while. seems to be a little thicker now.

There are lot of reasons to hair loss.

1. One of the main reason for the hair loss is the lack of protein.your hair is made of protein and is important for healthy hair.Soy protein stimulates hair growth. Good sources of soy protein include soy milk, tofu, fish, eggs, yogurt, and cheese.And i also recommend protein supplement which is high in quality and provides all 9 essential amino acids which are subunits of protein.According to the journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA) announced that all adults should take vitamin supplements to help prevent chronic diseases.What we don't know could hurt us in big time prevention is better then cure.

2.Lack of iron in body is another reason for hair loss, include iron and protein rich food in your diet along with soy isoflavones, calcium being women u need to have good calcium mineral level along with other remaining 10 mineral .

3.A high-fat and high-sodium diet contributes in hair loss. Such a diet harms our kidneys and increases the acidity of our blood, resulting in hair loss. Having a low-fat diet may help slow down the hair thinning process.

4.Most important is u r mental stress u can try to relax very well.

Need to do nice hair massage twice a week that will make healthy hair Scalp and nourishes the hair follicle which is the root of u r hair.

apart from internal care external care is also must and hair massaging also helps u in distress some extent. Try to use more organic products and chemical free products.

Since u do curling u r giving lot of heat treatment which is making hair dry, weak,split and texture stress.

Being nutritionist i have given basic information if u liked my suggestion u can mail me back and also if want to know more about how much quantity protein and minerals u need to take on daily basis i would be happy to share but i would need some more info like what is u r weight etc the quantity will be different for different person. I hope it has helped you take care :-)

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