It seriously has. I'm 21 and im balding. its pretty bad now and it started when i was 15. how fair was that? I have no friends and I pretty much pushed everyone out of my life cause im embarrassed. I hate going out cause I think everyone is looking at me. It takes like an hour to do my hair and when I leave the house, the mind reveals all my bald spots. I wear hats but I try not to cause I get head aches. I never know what to do anymore. I dont wanna shave my head cause I have a huge birth mark on my scalp and i just dont look good with a shaved head. My life really sucks. I kinda had a girl that i hung out a lot and she liked me. with but i really think she could do better sometimes so ive pushed her away. I see her ex boyfriends and guys she hangs out with and theyre soo much better than i am. she had a party yesterday and invited me and then asked if i could sleep over. I refused to because when I wake up, im really not that good looking and my hair is just embarrassing so I ended up going home. anyway she invited another friend to spend the night and posted pics on face book today of them cuddling and kissing. If i had stayed he wouldnt and wed be cuddling and kissing. I never wanna do any thing fun cause of my hair. This just isnt fair.
This isnt a question, i guess i just wanted to vent.Losing my hair ruined my life..?
Go to a good wig shop and be fitted and don't worry about it anymore. Life is too short. You could live in Haiti.You are a special person created for a special reason to be on this earth and you may or may not know the reason for it. Either way, you were created, so try to let this go,get a wig, so many people wear them now, especially people who have had cancer. If you find a girlfriend, just be up front with her from the start, if she doesn't like your wig then tell her to scoot real quick. You are supposed to love a person for what is inside them and you do not want a girl that doesnot understand that. Peace and love.Losing my hair ruined my life..?
Shave and invest some money in a good wig. I think it doesn't really matter how you look like when people love you, seriously. But if it makes you uncomfortable try some sort of implants or start working out to the point your body looks so good people won't mind your bold head. But the most important thing is you shouldn't preclude yourself any experience because of your hair. Instead of being scared about rejection really try to live more and if you get rejected you'll get over it. We all get rejected from time to time, beautiful or not, hair or not. Cheer up and don't make yourself miserable ahead of the time. I hope you'll feel better soon.
I know exactly how you feel, and everyone that says get more self esteem or you are only as beautiful as you feel just have no idea. I am not fully bald, I have a lot of hair left, but not enough to have bangs, and unfortunately I have a big forehead and I look completely different and very ugly without bangs ( I always combed my hair over my forehead growing up and I looked quite normal). I NEVER go out or let people see me without my hat on. It really has ruined a lot of things in my life. It is very painful. I don't swim, I won't go to dinners at peoples houses, I don't take jobs where I can't wear my hat, I am afraid to date because I am don't want them to see me without my hat, the list goes on and on.
So I completely understand how you feel and even though it isn't much help for either of us, at least we know we aren't the only ones. Good luck Brother.
There are so many people who are deformed or amputees. and they dont feel the way you do. its because of how they view themselves. you are only as good looking, intelligent, and good as you believe you are. this is true i PROMISE. and seriously, if your hair really means this much to you, you could buy a really nice wig (: i wear extensions. or get a transplant. there are a great many alternatives. and remember that you are never alone, and there will always be someone who has it significantly worse. and if that girl wants you, let her have you :) it wouldnt be fair to her to just pull away. it may have effected her more than you know.
sorry i just feel really strongly about this XD
Have you seen a Dr. To find out the reason for your hair loss ?
oh honey I just wanted to cry when I read this. It's definitely not fair, it sucks that you're losing your hair at such a young age. It's like it's your secret... you go through all this trouble to make it look decent, but you know first thing in the morning the jig is up, no hiding it, no quick fix while you wake up in someone's arms the next morning. That has got to suck.
I will tell you, I'm middle aged now. I'm still kinda cute. When I was in my 20's, I was pretty gorgeous, I woke up that way, I went to sleep that way. Now, I definitely need makeup. I mean, a whole full faceful of makeup, before I DON'T look old. So I know just how you feel but in a different way. It puts a real damper on how you view yourself. And at your age, in how you feel the world will view you. I had my day in the sun, I should be grateful. Yet at 21, you are on the cusp of truly being an adult, and bang, your'e losing your hair.
From a woman's perspective, though, I do have to say this, and I'm being honest. A guy who acts sure of himself, charismatic, as long as he's semi-cute to some extent and not extremely overweight, we love these guys. We really don't put as much emphasis on hair or lack thereof as you guys probably think. When I was 21 I remember distinctly this gorgeous blonde haired brown eyed sexy hunk of a man who I had had a crush on since I was like... 14?..... he too started going bald early, but at age 18, the poor thing! Anyway, I can't lie and say I didn't notice it, and I was a little sad because I had always loved his hair, but honestly, he was so charming, so sure of himself but without being outright conceited.... witty, huge personality, the life of the party. Although I was sad for him about his receding hairline, it didn't change the way I was so severely attracted to him. It wasn't like the big pink elephant in the room that everyone's trying to not discuss....
My husband, now, had a hair transplant done during the few years we weren't together. When I next saw him I thought he looked different but couldn't figure out why. I had just gotten used to seeing him with a high forehead. Big deal. If I was around him when he had it done, I would have urged him to not spend the money. Because, honestly? It's really not the big deal men think it is. I know, easy for me to say.... but in reality, I also have a huge forehead. I was born with it, nothing I can do. So when it's come up in discussion, I joke about it. I laugh at myself with ';grass doesn't grow on busy streets'; or ';don't be jealous of the glowing orb!'; jokes.
If you act confident, like you're someone who's hot, and someone who's worthy of attention, you absolutely will be. That's pretty much how it works. If you have an air about you like, I'm the shizzit and I';m great and if you don't see that you should just step aside.... this attitude is what truly makes all the difference in the world.
Just don't go getting obese, cause people aren't all that able to overlook that. I'm just being honest, sorry if that sounds mean. I'm a realist.
Pump yourself up, seriously, if it takes seeing a therapist (hey, nobody has to KNOW!) then do it for yourself, YOU are WORTH it!
As long as you have in your head things like ';she's with someone more worthy than me'; then that is the way it will be. Will yourself to change yourself from the inside and this will radiate outwards, and we women flock to that like flies on poo. Trust me. I've been a woman all my life LOL ;)
Good luck sweetie.
It sounds to me like you don't need more hair, rather more confidence. I suggest searching for ways to help your confidence rather than ways to hide the bald spots. It sounds to me like that girl really likes you but it is your lack of confidence in yourself, not your lack of hair that is keeping her from you. I would say forget about your insecurities, pretend you have a full head of hair, start looking at life in a different way, and go after that girl. If you push everyone away, you will be lonely and have a terrible life. Just go for it, you are still young!!!! If she really likes you for you (which it sounds like she does) then the hair won't be a problem at all. Good luck!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
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