Wednesday, February 8, 2012

22 weeks pregnant and losing my hair! Help!?

Ok so I want to know if this is normal during pregnancy. Everytime I shower, or brush my hair, I notice that I am losing about twice as much hair as I usually do. It's normal for you to lose approx. 200 strands of hair a day, but I am losing much more. I wasn't too worried about it until the other day when my friend commented that my hair looked thinner! I mean I don't have any bald spots or anything, lol, but my hair is looking thinner. I noticed nothing like this with my first pregnantcy, but I am learning quickly that that's nothing to judge by. Every pregnancy is different. So ladies, have any of you noticed this? Will my hair get back to normal after I have the baby? What's going on?!22 weeks pregnant and losing my hair! Help!?
this is a strange question to me because i always was told that you dont lose hair when your pregnant and i dont seem to lose any at all my hair is 10 times thicker than before i was pregnant and iv always had thicker hair to begin with. when i had my first son i started to lose a lot of hair after he was born he was maybe 3-4months old and i noticed alot of hair loss when i showered or brushed my hair. maybe ask your midwife about this?

good luck!22 weeks pregnant and losing my hair! Help!?
i have been losing my hair for a few years now. no bald spots or anything tho. since ive been pregnant its gotten a little worse. i usually have to clean the tub drain and my brush every day. well a few weeks ago i collected all the hair i lost and put it in a zip lock bag and took it to my doctors. well over 200 hairs...easily. he said its normal =/ i have noticed that my hair falls out less when i wear it down tho.
Don't worry, it's a completely normal thing during pregnancy, i have three children and the same thing happened to me. It will more than likely stop when you have your baby if not before, your hair may not regain it's thickness though. Mine didn't but i still have plenty of hair, if your still worried about it talk to your doc!! hope this helps ease you mind.

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