Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Help, I'm losing my hair?

So I have noticed my hair has been getting a lot thinner the last maybe 6 months. It is not to an extend where others have noticed it, but my mom commented it when she was dying my hair (you can't see it, but you can definently feel it).

So my question is, why? Can it be stress, or do I miss something in my diet?

And how can I solve the problem?Help, I'm losing my hair?
I know your concern, had the same thing happen to me and I went to the Dr. by suggestion of my hair dresser, had blood work done and my thyroid was out of whack %26amp; I was anemic which causes hair loss. The Dr also told me that some hair loss comes 3 mo after the fact %26amp; I had some major stress (death in the family) about 3 mo before that. Biotin one of the B vitamins is good for hair, there is a vitamin over the counter at the pharmacy for hair. It could also because by the chemicals in your hair dye as well as to much styling products that contain alcohol. My hair has come back since I corrected the anemia and thyroid issue. Good luck to ya!Help, I'm losing my hair?
It could be stress related. The best thing would be to take care of your hair and scalp well - tender loving care. Treat it well, and tell yourself your hair will grow back fuller and beautifully - and truly believe it. Your body will respond accordingly.

Also, speak to your mother about possibly going to see a doctor you would feel comfortable talking to about this problem. They can diagnose it to see if there's a physiological problem or if it's just stress.

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