Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Losing my hair like crazy!?

im losing way more hair than normal.

it tends to only fall out when im in the shower, when my hair is wet.

i'm only 15 %26amp; this really concerns me.

i love my hair. i've been under a quite a bit of stress lately but i usually always am, %26amp; my hair has NEVER done this before.

also its not like just small amounts, like strands. i know that would be normal. its like 5 or 6 strands of hair everytime i run my hand through my head in the shower.

what can i do about this?Losing my hair like crazy!?
I had the same problems because of alimentary problems (if you don't eat enough, your hair falls out and becomes brittle). I was told to wash it only two or three times a week and not to brush it a lot or to put it up in a ponytail. Cutting a chunk of it can also be helpful. My friend, who has extremely lush, gorgeous hair, suggested that I put an egg in it, or drench it in beer or olive oil. I tried all three, and all three worked well. Also, wash it with cold or lukewarm water. Hair hates hot/boiling water. Take multivitamins, or those vitamins for pregnant women as they have essential nutriments that can help your hair as well as your nails. And mostly, don't stress a lot!

Oh, and don't flat iron it or curl it a lot, and keep it away from hairspray.Losing my hair like crazy!?
Don't worry it's normal. My hair does the same thing. I have really thick hair so naturally, more hair would fall out. Also, stress plays a big role in why your losing so much hair. Remember, it's hair so it'll grow back.
Are you getting enough nutrients?

Stress does affect it as well.

And do you have LICE?
Go to the Doctor, just in case. Hair loss can be a sign of several things, but it may be just stress. Just be safe.
conditioner! and if it's stress try yoga.

i always feel so much better after yoga. :]

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