Thursday, January 26, 2012

Am I losing my hair?

Hey, everytime I shower and dry my hair with a towel i notice around 15-20 hairs that fall off an are on my towell, it seems quite unnatural. I am currently 19 and my father started balding early as well. Is there anything i can do to slow down balding?

Thanks!Am I losing my hair?
Well if you notice that your hair is starting to bald, then it is a good possibility. Don't think that it is such a bad thing. You probably won't be completely bald by like 25, but it may start to recede. This is actually very normal and if you look around, you will notice MANY guys who are in their late 20s, 30s, and 40s, that show signs of hair loss and receding hairlines. It is not that big of a deal, or a big turn off for women. Look at Bruce Willis. Look at the guy from the movie ';The Transporter';. He looks really young and has a receded hair line, but is still attractive. This is something that happens to many many men. It is just a part of growing up and maturing.Am I losing my hair?
Hey, Mrs Clinton,

Check your spelling!
hey it happens...

life goes on

but if it doesn't for you there's always rogain
sounds like ur ageing.
bald men are sexy!
try to take some medicine for it. and try not to touch your hair that much...

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