Wednesday, January 25, 2012

IM LOSING MY HAIR?! or am i just stupid?lol?

I've always had thick hair, but ever since I've gotten a perm it seems like im just shedding everywhere! lol Is it just because I can't really full-out brush my hair now or am I seriously losing my hair? lol. I'm stupid. Don't blame me. I'm blonde:)IM LOSING MY HAIR?! or am i just stupid?lol?
Hair, like human beings, has a life-cycle. Every hair that grows must fall out one day. New hair will grow at the same place, after some time.

There is a natural balance between the rate at which hair falls and the rate at which new hair grows. Any disturbance in this balance can result in an emotionally discomforting condition of either an excess fallout of hair or hairiness all over the body.

Now-a-days, excess loss of hair is very common. It happens for various reasons such as emotional and physical stress of city life, local scalp infection, adverse drug reaction, hormonal imbalances during teenage and pregnancy, etc.

Factors that determine hair loss

Over the past several years, dermatologists have made some interesting statistical findings that explain the pattern of hair loss. Curiously enough, the phenomenon of falling hair is provenly related to the rate of hair growth, length of the hair, age and even the color of hair.

It is normal to shed from 50 to 80 strands of hair a day. It is normal for each of those hair to be replaced by the hard-working follicles. On any given day, about 90% hair are in the growing stage. This period lasts for about 1000 days. 10% hair are in the resting stage which lasts for about 100 days before the follicles eventually grow out.

Interestingly, the fall-out occurs mostly in the morning. This fact remains unexplained.

The length of hair is an important factor in hair loss. The four-inch long hair, loses on an average 87 hairs a day; the 12-inch long hair loses about 26 hairs a day; and 20-inch plus long hair loses as little as 16 hairs a day on an average. The longer the hair, the less is the hair loss.

Hair grows on an average of 6 inches a year, and shortfall in the normal hair growth is accompanied with a hair loss too. Apart from the day-to-day loss, we shed more than usual hair during six periods of our life; from birth to age three; at ten, at twenty-two, around the age of twenty-six, at thirty-six and around fifty-four. This happens due to hormonal changes that occur in our bodies during these periods of our lives.

The maximum hair growth on women occurs between the age of fifteen to thirty.

Causes for excess fall of hair

Technically, an unnatural excess fall out of hair, temporary or permanent, is called Alopecia and is caused for following reasons:


The kind of hair we have whether it is thick, thin, fine, sparse, straight or curly - depends a great deal on the genes inherited. The problems concerning hair loss are also passed on from the parents to the offspring. Diabetes and thyroid disorders are two real threats to healthy hair. Falling hair are also often directly inherited.


The result of physical stress on the hair is called Traction Alopecia. This can be caused by tying up the hair in too tight chignon style, ponytails, or pigtails. The prolonged and continuing pull-like pressure on the hair can result in spot baldness.

Spot baldness is also caused due to trauma or sudden shock experienced. A severe blow to the head may lead to spot baldness where the blow is received.

Local Scalp Infection

Bacterial, viral or fungal infections can cause spot fall out of hair. It can, however, be treated with medicated shampoos and lotions.


Internal disorders and infections which cause high fever such as flu, pneumonia and typhoid are often accompanied by excessive hair loss.

Chemicals or Drugs

Antibiotics and a durg called Cortizone administered sometimes in treating acne and scars lead to hair loss. Chemical therapies given in serious diseases such as cancer, cause the excess fall out of hair.

Emotional or Environmental Stress

People unable to cope with pressures of life, all the time worrying about the problems at work place or home, having most of their emotional conflicts unresolved, are easy victims of excess hair loss.

With the tension in their minds, the muscles in the scalp and neck constrict. The blood circulation is thereby impeded, resulting in the suffocation of the hair follicles.

To prevent the consequential excess hair loss, massage to loosen up the scalp is an excellent remedy.

Hormonal Imbalances and Hair Loss

Hormonal imbalances are the primary cause of most serious hair loss conditions. Pregnancy, contraception with birth control pills and menopause are the common conditions that induce hormonal changes.


Generally, the hair condition improves during pregnancy as the endocrine glands function at their peak.

The hair loss occurs only after the birth of the baby. This happens due to irregularity in the functioning of thyroid glands. It can be attributed to the change in the life style - the new unaccustomed life with the baby.

The normal hair loss after delivery happens four months after birth and continues for about two months.

Birth Control Pills

If a woman in perfect health with normal weight, having regular periods, eating sensibly and pIM LOSING MY HAIR?! or am i just stupid?lol?
The problem of hair loss with possible remedies

One of the most alarming facts that have brought in a headache in every mind is the problem of hair loss. A great number of people are suffering from this problem. It is normal to shed some hair each day, but some people loose excessive hair each day and this is considered as a problem and may ultimately result in premature baldness.

More Info Here:-
I got a perm once...It was fine....Btw, Rob Cotter gets perms every other weekend, and his hair is as thick as my grandma (she weighs over 400 pound....Grandpas trying to get her on a diet. Its just not working....We're at a point now where we just have to say its okay. Its okay being over 400 pounds. We love her for being her. Shes grandma. Big Blonde and Beautiful. Just like you.)
More than likely, you dont have a serious problem. I have very thick, curly hair and I am constantly shedding [esp. in the shower]. I dont know why it happens, but it is normal. But if your really concerned about it, you can always call your dr.
To much dying %26amp; perming, esp. in a short amount of time, can do damage to your hair %26amp; scalp but, even if you lose *some* hair, it doesn't mean you'll wind up bald. If you do though....theirs always Rogain, Propetia, and Tom Bosely's hair implants..... *LOL*
It's normal to lose some hair. You should just wait things out wait a couple of weeks if your still losing a lot of hair get some vitamins and start looking into things like Rogaine
It's possible that the perm damaged your hair a bit, and thats whats causing it to fall out.
ugh the part where you said you're a blonde through me off..
why don't u consult a doctor?

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