Sunday, February 12, 2012

I think that I'm starting to lose my hair, should I start using rogain or let nature run its course?

I'm only 20 and I feel like I'm way to young to start losing my hairI think that I'm starting to lose my hair, should I start using rogain or let nature run its course?
Just let nature take its course. And don't bother trying the old comb over or shaved head thing. Just keep a normal haircut.I think that I'm starting to lose my hair, should I start using rogain or let nature run its course?
I guess it depends on whether or not it bothers you, but I would fight like crazy and do anything I could to keep my hair.
I don t know if rogain works,.... but I know it is costly............

%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;Have a good day with nature runing its course%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

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I started losing my hair at about 18 years old. I'm 27 now and shave my dome clean on a daily basis. If you don't want the slick and shiny look, then I would suggest Rogaine. Of course the Walmart brand works just fine. I have a family member who uses it. We started losing our hair at about the same age, he started using the product, and I didn't. He has a full head of hair today, I'm bald.
In all honesty, I think you should make a doctor's appointment and talk about your concerns. There are many reasons why hair starts to thin and fall out. Your doctor should be able to assist you in determining the cause, as well as list some of your options.
Natural always wins! There's some mighty fine men out there with not a hair on their heads.
You have no choice than to let nature take its course, its in the genes. For Gods sake don't use the comb-over, that just shouts 'look at me I'm going bald'.
Let nature take it's course. When it gets really thin just keep it clipped very short or shaved. There a many sexy guys out there with a lot of skull showing.
Does early hair loss run in the family on the men's side? If so this could be normal, male pattern balding. It could also mean there is an underlying health problem. If you suspect it's regular balding you might want to try Rogaine to stop the loss. It's really up to you and how you would feel without hair. My ex bf lost his hair at age 18. He is now 30 and really looks weird. He's also just weird looking anyway and bald doesn't look good on him.
Your call. Women like men ( and I am guessing you are one) with no hair. At 20, I understand why it's bothering you though. If you want to try to reverse it, there are better alternatives than Rogaine. Do your research before you waste a lot of money on Rogaine. is a good site to start your research.


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