Sunday, February 12, 2012

What could be causing me to lose my hair on one side of my hair line, I'm 39 yr old woman.?

I just delivered a baby 4 months ago and know that your hair sheds and changes, which I have also experienced. I noticed this in the begining of my pregnancy and now the area seems worse, there are hair follicles but if I put my hair in a pony tail I can tell but others really can't. My thyroid came out fine. Does anyone know of any remedies. I try not to worry about it but I also want to try to prevent from losing what I do have. Before pregnancy my hair was thick and beautiful, now I can hardly put a curl to it.What could be causing me to lose my hair on one side of my hair line, I'm 39 yr old woman.?
btw...on that you know this is the real reason that Britney Spears cut off all her hair?

Or at least that's what was reported on a show I saw today...they showed close up photos of the left side of her head and you could see where the hair was so thin it looked like she was going bald.

They say that the hair extensions, and the adhesive or whatever is used to mount them to her real hair destroyed many of her hair follicles and she made the decision to cut it all off and I suppose, start over.

Just found this: could be causing me to lose my hair on one side of my hair line, I'm 39 yr old woman.?
Hair loss after pregnancy is usually do the change in hormones that your body is experiencing. If you feel that the hair loss is excessive (balding spots) then you should definitely mention this to your doctor so that he or she may aid you in finding a solution. avoid ponytails, braids or anything that puts unneeded stress on the hair. good luck
Hair loss can be due to a number of things as you already know pregnancy is 1 of them.

Also if you have any other medical conditions such as kidney disease and a fue others and also many medications can also cause hair loss also if you have had your hair coulored if the chemicals were not used properly that can make your hair fall out too

hope you find the cause of it soon.

I would talk to my Dr. to find out what could be doing it, If you dont want to do that talk to your Hairdresser.

good luck.

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