Thursday, February 2, 2012

Help im losing my hair!!!?

i always wear clip in extentions and they have started to pull my hair out! i now have a bald patch :(

what can i do to stop it? and what shampoo is there to use to help it grow back??

please help me im in tears :(Help im losing my hair!!!?
Don't eat too much MSG and salty things.

You may go to NTUC to check out the shampoo, i can't remember the brand because i only saw it. Or go to chinese medicine shop to ask for introduction of some effective hair grow liquid to apply on.Help im losing my hair!!!?
Rogaine for Men.
Eluhair (Elu Hair) by Sante Active is ideal solution for hair fall
Shampoo's no matter how expensive or their claims didn't do it 4 me. What did work and restore the growth, thickness and gleen was a good vitamin regiment. *Vitamin A is an essential vitamin to help you with hair loss and thinning hair. However, be careful not to take over 25,000 IU a day A? doing so can be detrimental leading to more hair loss and other problems as will taking any vitamins in large doses.

*Vitamin C and E are two antioxidants vitamins that are important for keeping your hair, looking fuller and shinier, and scalp healthy. You can find Vitamin C in several vegetables and fruit, particularly in citrus fruits.

*Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, deficiencies are associated with an increased production of sebum (oil produced by the hair follicles). However, too much B2 and increased sebum production may result in reduced strength of the hair shaft.

*Vitamin B3, niacin - can produce a skin ';flush';, an uncomfortable feeing, or ';hot flash';. If you do decide to take this, take the minimum and see how your body reacts first.

I recomment all natural, gluten free..I found the best vitamins that have highest value content and work the fastest is Shakley. Good luckk,
sounds like you have a vitamin b deficiency or a zinc, magnesium or calcium deficiency.... some deficiency anyway..... get onto a slow release multivitamin, take one of those everyday
don't freak out seriously, just quit using them and let your hair recover~ my step daughter had that happen from a headband, and its finally growing back. just give it time hun.

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